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Tom Kimball is an IT professional with thirty years of IT experience.  Tom graduated with honors from Lake Superior State University in 1989 with a Bachelor of Science in biology as well as minors in chemistry and computer science.  His interests within the field of Sasquatch research are focused on the combination of science and technology. Tom's field efforts involve the collection of empirical evidence.  In the past, Tom has collected audio data but future endeavors will expand collection of data using a multitude of sensors and portable computing hardware. Beyond empirical evidence, he is fascinated with stick structures and the interpretation of what they might signify.  When he is not working as a IT professional or searching for evidence, Tom enjoys endurance athletics. His accomplishments include both half and full Ironman finishes as well as a successful swim across the Straits of Mackinac.

Tom was drawn to the study of Bigfoot at an early age, gleefully consuming all media available in the 1970s and 1980s.  His first unexplained encounter occurred when he was in grade school. He briefly observed a tall, man-like creature with glowing red eyes watching him and others while smelt dipping in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  He was indeed frightened. This did not dissuade him from continued study. Eventually, college and career led Tom down a different path. His interest in Bigfoot resurged early in the 21st century. Tom again started reading and soon discovered that others were still searching for Sasquatch.  He sought them out and formed life-long friendships as well as another pastime with which to drive his wife crazy.
Tom has sought the creature in both peninsulas of Michigan as well as Iowa, Indiana, and Wisconsin.  He will be adding additional states to his collection in the coming years.

A registered 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization.  For further information, please contact us at

Lowlanders art by Charlie Hynick
Web site created by Brian Woods
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