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The Lowlands Bigfoot Research Group welcomes submissions of original science-based Bigfoot research
conducted anywhere in the world.  The LBRG will not consider publishing research that is based solely on witness data. Articles should make a significant contribution to Bigfoot research. Relevant research articles may explore documented or implied interactions of Bigfoot with the environment, address current social issues affecting Bigfoot research, or explore technological innovations in Bigfoot research. We encourage originality and welcome challenging topics.


The Lowlands Bigfoot Research Group is committed to an inclusive and welcoming environment for all, and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation.


The LBRG is a nonprofit organization and assumes that submissions are offered free for publication on our website should we choose.


Submission Guidelines:


Describe your research succinctly without excess verbiage. The LBRG aims to be accessible to a broad audience. Authors must write clearly, avoiding unnecessary jargon, taking care to explain unfamiliar concepts. A well explained and supported article does not benefit from phrases such as, “In this article, I intend to…,” and “I maintain that….”


Use links or other references to support your stated ideas, rather than relying on external material or the work of others. In other words, we're interested in your ideas and research, as well as the work you've done to support and qualify what you're stating.


Authors are responsible for any required editing. Submissions are all subject to an internal review process. Published titles will be chosen by editors in consultation with the author. Before publication submissions may be reviewed by our copy editor. We will not revise a submission. Authors will be provided with feedback from the Lowlanders regarding any submissions that we receive.


Articles submitted to the LBRG should not be under consideration elsewhere or have been previously published in any form.


Submissions should be sent to  as a .doc or .docx file in an attachment, as well as copied into the body of your email. Include your name and contact information, a very brief bio (no more than three lines), and TIF or JPEG files of research-related photos or illustrations. Begin the subject line of your email with the word SUBMISSION, followed by your last name.


Send final drafts only. Do not submit a document with tracked changes. Use spell check. Use a standard font such as Times New Roman. Use a font size no less than 10-point and no greater than 14-point.


Construct your document with single spaces between sentences and single line breaks between paragraphs. Do not indent paragraphs. Specify time by spelling out all dates, i.e. July 12, 2018.


Submit all visual material in separate files as TIF or JPG files. Do not insert photos or illustrations directly into the text of your document. Title image files with your last name followed by a figure number. Reference each image or illustration in the text of your article, along with any caption information. Original photos or illustrations are preferable. Image files must be high resolution (at least 300 dpi) at a size of no less than 8 x 10 inches.


You must submit written permissions for all images, tables, and illustrations, including those you own and those owned by someone else. In each permission, the owner must authorize the LBRG to publish the image online.


Any original material published by the LBRG will be copyrighted by the Lowlands Bigfoot Research Group. All reprinting will be with specific permission. Direct requests to You may repost your published research article on your personal site only after publication by the LBRG. All reprints must state “Copyright, Lowlands Bigfoot Research Group, Reprinted with permission.”

A registered 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization.  For further information, please contact us at

Lowlanders art by Charlie Hynick
Web site created by Brian Woods
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